Sunday, June 6, 2010

So What's This All About??

Hello Loves and welcome to my blog...where "Alls Fair in Love";)

It would only be proper for me to formally introduce myself seeing as all decent relationships begin with a "Hi, My name is...". So...Hi! My name is Elise Alls (hence the "Alls" in the title). I came up with the concept for this blog after one of many "girl-talk" sessions that my friends and I have every time we get together. The subject matter of our infamous "girl-talks" is as diverse and humorous as we are. But without fail, one topic that always comes up is our love life...also VERY diverse.

I realized that many times after having girl-talk that I had discovered something new about myself, love, sex, or relationships in general. Rather it was through verbalizing my own thoughts or hearing the thoughts of my closest girlfriends; the girl-talks made me understand other female's views, struggles, insecurities, strengths, and triumphs with love, which in a way helped me better understand why I view love the way I do. It's almost like therapy without the monthly bill. Then I got to awesome would it be to have girl-talk on a grander scale. Sharing advice, stories (sad and happy), love tips and remedies (good or bad) with women from all different backgrounds and walks of life. How enlightening...and not to mention interesting, would that be???

So I decided to create a blog that did just that...but I thought it should be more than just strangers weighing in on each other love/sex/relationship issues. Although some of the best advice can come from your best friend, there's nothing like knowing what the experts have to say, right? So I went out and did the research! I've read over 15 of the top love, sex and relationship books, articles, and blogs and have their infinite wisdom at my disposal to share with you! So lets girl-talk! Email your stories/questions to me and I'll post them along with feedback from the experts. Share your thoughts on others stories and questions and hopefully at the end of it all we'll learn something new about ourselves.

So again, welcome to my blog…and remember “Alls Fair in Love”!



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