Friday, June 18, 2010

A Change Is Coming

Hello Loves!

I hope your week was, well...lovely! Mine was amazing. It's definitely summer time and love is in the (100 degree) air. Every time I turn around someone is getting engaged, married, finding new love, etc. I can't help but think it’s the change in weather that is responsible for heating up everyone's love life (pun intended). Even those who I thought would never find what they were looking for have stumbled upon their "perfect match".

I got a call from an old friend a few weeks ago and as we were catching up she told me she had a new beau. So my interest was immediately peaked. One, because anyone who knows me knows I'm extremely nosey (now there's some alliteration for ya)...and two, because to say this girl has bad luck with men would be the understatement of the century. So, as all these types of conversations go, I begin to ask the predictable and essential questions; "Where'd you meet?" "What does he do?" "How long have you been seeing him?" You know the drill. To give you the quick and dirty, he's an accountant who graduated from a University in his hometown. They met while she was visiting friends for the holidays there and they've been seeing each other since. He comes from a very conservative and religious family.

So this guy seems okay, right? WRONG! I've known this girl for at least 10 years and there is not one thing conservative or religious about her. She is a liberal to the fullest degree and in every sense of the word. If they were still burning bras in the middle of the street this girl would be leading the pack. I don't ever remember her setting foot inside a church, synagogue, mosque, or cathedral, and to say her sexual past was a little sketchy would be a compliment. Now don't get me wrong, she's a great friend but needless to say, sometimes I did worry about her frequent reckless behavior. And now she’s dating Mr. Straight-and-Narrow??? I really hate to say this, but as soon as she tells me about this guy I’m thinking this won’t last. Although, she has been known to change her persona to fit into her current love-interest’s ideal image of the perfect girlfriend…this guy was on the total opposite end of the spectrum. I foresee too many arguments…to many differences in opinion on fundamental beliefs. How could this work?

Fast forward to last weekend. My friend comes down to visit and we go out to catch up. I begin to order our first round of cocktails when she stops me mid-order. “I don’t drink anymore” she says. WOW! This is great. We have all been encouraging her to stop for a while but she has refused to admit there was a problem. I thought to myself how mature she has become. As the night continued I discovered even more changes in my friend. She had done a complete 180! Her political views, interests, and beliefs had all changed. Some of the change was good for her but some were just too out of character for her that I began to get a little worried. It was obvious Mr. Straight-and-Narrow was the source of the change. All her sentences began with, “Well, my boyfriend doesn’t think I should…” or “My boyfriend thinks….and I agree.”

Even though the changes she had made were for the most part positive, I couldn’t fully be happy for her despite my most sincere attempts. I guess I felt like the changes weren’t made because she decided that it was best for her, or that her eyes were open to a better and healthier way of life, but more so because she wanted to please someone else. She changed her world so she could exist in his. She wasn’t being true to herself or her beliefs. And to me, she was doing an injustice to not only herself but to him also. I mean, how long can you keep up the charade?? Eventually, if you haven’t changed for the right reasons, your true colors will begin to show.

So after much thought I decided to bring up my concerns to my friend. To my surprise, she responded with assuredness and clarity that sometimes in a relationship, if you really love someone, you have to give up a part of yourself in order to coexist peacefully. “It’s called compromise Elise,” she said derisively. Well, what more could I say after that. She’s made up her mind and I’ve learned from the ongoing feud between Heidi and Lauren, never to start an argument with a friend over who they’re dating. I guess time will only tell if she’s right or wrong…but it does bring up a good point; There is a thin line between compromise and sacrifice. Especially at the age of 25-30 and living in Atlanta where the men to women ratio is practically 20-80. Compromising is just part of the territory. But how much are we willing to compromise to find someone…enough to eventually lose ourselves??

Well there’s some food for thought for all my single ladies out there. Just remember while you’re navigating the mean streets singledom…Alls Fair In Love!


Elise Alls


  1. Great that you mention it, I must say I agree that there is a thin line between compromise and sacrifice. I don't like the idea of completely changing myself and/or morals to be with someone that I loved, like your friend. I would, however, without a doubt comrpomise with my significant other.
    Me, I'm single. I made the choice on my own to do the right things (stop drinking and going to clubs, etc.) and for me it was like bursting out of a cacoon and maturing into a beautiful butterfly. I feel liberated and free. i feel like I'm walking the path of "finding myself." I just hope that whoever that lucky guy is for me, he'll appreciate all that I have to offer #1 myself and #2 him. Hopefully I will not have given up on love by the time we meet. Oh, and the ratio of men to women age 25-30 is pratically 20-80 everywhere!

  2. Great topic. I think everyone knows there is a very thin line between compromise and sacrifice; sometimes there is no line at all.

    If she is happy, what makes her sacrifice any less encourage-able? Would you have rather her "found her path on her own" or be proud that she found someone to grow with?

    I completely applaud Amy and her individual growth, but Amy, if you did that same "growing" in a relationship would it be less praise worthy?

  3. Awesome comments both Amy and Cat! Kudos to you Amy and don't ever give up on love...I've known people who found their true love at 70 years old. But don't let looking for love stop you from enjoying life single either. Hmmm you may have just given me inspiration for a new topic! LOL

    And Cat there is nothing I don't love about everything you just said! ;)Preach it sistah preach it! lol

  4. Well Elise give her time. Her mistakes will eventually wear thin on all she believes will make a relationship work. Isn't this what most women do? We compromise ourselves just to get in the door, hoping that all will co-exist together in this facade we put on? Being without love hurts, being in love hurts and sometimes the pain that we go through just tends to make us stronger. We become bitter, but we also learn about ourselves, making the next relationship an opening to new expectations. Let her enjoy what she has found. Your concern is of her and that is understood...friends need to be honest with one another. Never make yourself hold your tongue...friends hate our honesty, but realize we only want the best for them.
