Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Drama, Drama, Drama!

Hello Loves!

I have a question for you. Do you remember those horrible videos they use to advertise on infomercials about freak accidents caught on film? Do you remember how terrible it was to watch, but for some reason you continued to look on in horror? Well, that's what its been like for me these past few months as I observed some of the most volatile relationships I've ever seen. I mean I feel like I've seen it all! From the demanding and nagging wife or the controlling violent husband, to the naive girlfriend and the 3 baby-mama-having/cheating boyfriend. And do you know what the common denominator is with all these "relationships"?? D-R-A-M-A!

Its almost like they feed off of it. I mean the ones with the cheating boyfriends constantly complain about other females calling their phone. They update their Facebook status with personal messages to the other woman...airing their business out for all to see. They come up with elaborate schemes to catch their boyfriends in a lie. They check phone records, credit card reciepts, ect. And when they do find something (because they always find something) it's World War III. I mean rocks through windows, breaking into their Facebook accounts and posting embarrassing information, calling their mothers to tell them how horrible their son is. And at the end of it all do you know what happens??? Yeah, you guessed it. THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER! Its like your own live soap opera. The crazy thing is, when they're in front of people they are always the ones who are the most affectionate. They can't keep their hands off of each other.

You know the ones that are always so passionate in public. Its like they're overcompensating for something that's missing in the relationship...or trying to prove something to themselves, like, "Look how much we kiss and touch each other....we LOVE each other!" Ugh. And It's not just those with cheating boyfriends either. The relationship with the demanding and nagging woman is the worst. She's constantly tearing her husband down in public. Whenever possible, she seems to pick fights with him. It could be something as small as bringing home the wrong bread. "What kind of bread is this?" "Are you stupid??" "I mean do you listen to anything I say. That's why we always fight cause you always have to do things your way and you don't know how to listen!" I'm telling you no lie, this dialog actually exists. But it's the same end results...extremely passionate make up sex.

In fact, every single volatile relationship I can think of was also an extremely passionate one as well. I've come to the conclusion that the people in these types of relationships thrive off drama. They don't know how to function without it. They get bored or disinterested in their partner and create reason in their mind to cause drama or to start an argument. They see a relationships as a never ending series of make-ups and break-ups. How EXHAUSTING!

I guess if drama is what it takes for you and your partner to be happy together then who am I to disagree but I can't help but wonder if drama-filled relationships have any longevity. I've seen the boyfriend and girlfriend who are constantly arguing and struggling with infidelity get married. The arguing and purported cheating is still prevalent in the relationship...but just as much as I hear about the lies and the fights, I hear about the awesome love life. Could it really be that drama serves as a key element in the survival of some couples and a catalyst for a passionate love-life?? Or could it be the passionate sex that keeps the two together in-spite of the drama?? Either way, I have strong doubts that if you're involved in a drama-filled relationship, that you and your partner are in an emotionally healthy situation.

But hey, you guys know how the saying goes...Alls Fair In Love!

Until next time...xoxo,

Elise Alls

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