Sunday, November 27, 2011

Liar, Liar

Hello Loves!

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with good food, long naps, happiness and of;) I know it’s been quite a while since my last entry. No excuses to be made...just haven't been on it like I should be. But in the spirit of "keeping it real" I want to discuss the topic of LYING! Why do people lie in relationships? Specifically speaking, why do men lie?? And let's narrow the field down a bit....why do they lie about their indiscretions with other women?

I know that may sound like a silly question. All the self-proclaimed good men out there probably rationalize that they lie to keep from hurting their mate. They'll say things like, "It was only once and it didn't mean anything." Or " Those text messages were just harmless flirting, I really love the one I'm with." All the dogs will admit that they want to have their cake and eat it too, so why jeopardize that with the truth. But really men, women have been telling you what will work in your favor for centuries. No matter how cliche' it may sound, honesty is always the best policy.

I mean it’s really like the ultimate trump card when you've done wrong in a relationship. Think about it. You cheat and you come to us and say, “Baby this has been weighing heavily on me since it happened, but last night I made a horrible mistake. I disrespected you in the worst way. I cheated and I’m sooo sorry. I understand if you don’t won’t me anymore. I have no excuses. I was weak. Ect” What can we say after that? Yeah, MAYBE we will kick you out, ignore your phone calls for a few days….yes, because the truth will hurt us. But think about this. What will the argument be like after your confession? You’ve answered any questions we may have, admitted to any accusations, and apologized before we even said a word. What’s left for us to say?

And to be honest, we want to forgive you. We want to believe that we have one of the good ones. But when you lie you eliminate any redeemable qualities about yourself. The lie alone will do more damage to our trust than the actual cheating. Wouldn’t you be more willing to forgive someone who made a mistake versus a liar? Liars makes the transgression more devious. What could have been a mistake in a moment of weakness is now an elaborate web of lies to deceive us. Even if we wanted to forgive you, think how hard it would be now.

Now I’m not saying that every man that cheats and confesses is in the clear nor should they be, BUT, a betting man, looking at the odds of a woman forgiving an honest man and the likelihood of that man getting caught in a lie, would put all his chips on being honest every time.

Well that’s my two cents on it anyway. What do you think ladies?

Until next time loves, stay faithful, stay honest, stay true…and remember Alls Fair In Love!
